My Tutorial Post

For my tutorial post I think I will do a “how-to” on creating a local mysql database on a personal computer. This can be very helpful for learning how to interact with a database. In data science (which is my major emphasis) it is necessary to know to query, add, and manipulate data within a database.

The Book I Chose to Read

I actually chose two books that seem very interesting. The first is “Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong” by Colin Allen, and the second is “The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design” by Aaron Roth. These both appealed to me because AI and machine learning are topics that intrigue me.

Main Project?

To be honest, I have not given a lot of thought to the topic of my main class project. Two ideas that come to mind though are something sports releated, which I’m sure many other people choose, or something engine performance related because this is also a hobby/interest of mine.
